
Competition Analysis

Competitor Price Monitoring Software designed to drive action based on your company’s competitive landscape

Track the dynamic price movements on the market and adjust your strategy based on insights about competitors’ tactics.

Analyze competitor prices

Copio brings all competitors you are interested in on a single dashboard, allowing you to track their prices by specific products, categories, or brands. Price comparison is made at-a-glance, helping you understand the position of every competitor, and to identify the best market positioning for your products.

Monitor promotions and price changes

Promotions and price changes made by your competition directly impacts your level of sales and profit margins. copio provides real-time, accurate information about promotions implemented by your competitors, supporting you to identify repricing opportunities or to realign the marketing campaigns.

Increase competitiveness

Monitoring competitors’ prices helps you evaluate how competitive your position on the market is, where you are more expensive or cheaper, and where you can adjust. Identifying the correct positioning is the first step in optimizing your strategy to increase your sales and profits.

Main Features

Keep an eye on your competitors

Customized Data Collection

You choose the companies you want to monitor, and the information you want (prices, brands, delivery information, product images, etc.) and we automate the data collection process. You can choose the frequency of the crawling process, having full control over the data you receive and how often we deliver it.

Product Matching

Your products are linked to identical or similar competitor products, to offer visibility across your whole assortment and market. Besides the automatic EAN matching, our high-performance algorithm performs the mapping and validation based on a variety of fields (name, brand, other specific characteristics), allowing you to compare your product prices with those of your competitors.


Get instant market information, presented in an intuitive and user-friendly manner. Understand the market evolution for a specific product or category, find patterns in your competitors’ strategy, see how pricing trends look like, identify market positioning. Analyze any relevant data to make strategic, data-driven decisions.

Alerts and notifications

copio provides fully customized alerts, either in-app or by email, allowing you to react quickly and efficiently to market changes. Also, daily or weekly reports can be sent to the designated person.

Keep an eye on your competitors

We focus on monitoring your competition, so you can stay focused on your business.

Market driven development

The market and its needs are constantly changing, and in order to provide the best possible service, so is copio. As a result, any recommendation or improvement idea you might have, please share it with us. We will analyze its potential as a feature and if it makes sense, we will add it to the product. As a result, copio is in a constant market-driven evolution.

High level of customization

Some requests are too specific to be included as a feature in copio, we allow for a custom sidekick application that can do anything you want. Don’t want to spend time doing manual imports? We can make an automatic import custom-tailored for you. Want a very specific report for a monthly meeting? We can make it happen and automatically email it to you when you choose to.

Business analysis and support

Each client has its own specific business needs. We pride ourselves in taking the time to analyze each of them and determine the best possible ways to accommodate them, usually providing several options along with their pros and cons and letting you pick the best one. Also, whenever you encounter a challenge, you can rest assured we will do anything in our power to solve it as fast as possible.

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28C General C. Budisteanu St., Bucharest, Romania, 010775